- Immunophenotyping / Intracellular antigens measurement
- DNA/RNA: cell cycle, aneuploidy, endoreduplication, kinetics
- DNA base ratios
- Chromatin structure
- Apoptosis (DNA degradation, mitochondrial membrane potential, permeability changes, caspase activity)
- Membrane potential
- Membrane fluidity
- Membrane fusion/runover
- Intracellular calcium (ions) flux
- Intracellular pH
- Sulfhydryl groups/glutathione
- Cell viability
- Intracellular reactive oxygen species (Oxidative burst)
- Cell tracking and proliferation
- Cell enumeration
- Cell volume and morphological complexity
- Cell pigments (f.ex. chlorophyll or phycoerythrin)
- Drug delivery
- Multidrug resistance (MDR)
- Phagocytosis
- Pathogen-host cell adherence
- Differentiation
- Identification of “stem cells”
- Reticulocyte, platelet etc analysis
- Microparticles analysis
- Assessing infection/transfection levels
- Monitoring of the electropermeabilization of cells
- Cytotoxicity assay
- Enzymatic activity
- Cell activation
- Protein-protein interactions (FRET, split-GFP)
- Protein modifications, phospho-proteins
- Activation of signalling pathways
- Cytokine Secretion
- Sorting (f.ex sperm sorting for sex preselection)
- Karyotyping
- Telomere length